A girl sitting at her desk with an artificial intelligence icon over her book.

How Will Artificial Intelligence Change Education?

Artificial intelligence is transforming many industries, in ways that can be viewed positively or negatively. One of the industries that has been experiencing, and will continue to experience, changes due to artificial intelligence is education. AI is being used by students, teachers, and entire educational institutions and platforms to change the ways that we learn. Global Market Insights notes that as of 2022, artificial intelligence in education was valued at $4 billion worldwide. The group predicts that by 2032, the worldwide market size of artificial intelligence in the education industry will exceed $30 billion. In what ways is AI affecting, and how will it continue to affect, the education industry?

Personalized Learning

Artificial intelligence is making learning into a more personalized experience for students. Instead of teaching to the needs of the entire classroom, AI is enabling teachers to create individual learning experiences for each student. Algorithms are being used to analyze data and patterns and create instructional materials to meet each student’s unique needs. AI can also take into account a student’s preferred learning style and analyze how they best learn information, then deliver content through the student’s preferred modality. Additionally, AI can help to match students in groups based on strengths and interests, promoting peer-to-peer learning. 

Special Education

One of the areas of education in which AI is making a real difference is special education. Because AI can be used to provide personalized learning support, assistive AI technologies are being utilized to meet the needs of disabled students. Ways in which this has already occurred include real-time captioning, sign language interpretation, and individualized adjustment of the level of difficulty of content. More inclusive learning environments are being created through the usage of adaptive learning systems and AI.

Classroom Management

Artificial intelligence is helping teachers with classroom management and administrative tasks, giving them more time to focus on teaching students. Instead of grading assignments, managing student behavior, and tracking student attendance, AI has automated these tasks and given teachers more time to teach. AI can be used to analyze the behavior patterns of students and suggest ways that teachers can intervene. It can quickly assess student assignments and provide feedback. Additionally, AI does not have cognitive biases that human teachers possess, and some argue that using AI grading systems are therefore preferable to human grading. 

Intelligent Assistants

Artificial intelligence has made intelligent assistants possible, giving students another educational resource that they can use without having to contact a teacher. Depending upon its programming, an AI intelligent assistant can be used for routine questions as well as to answer more in-depth inquiries.

Personalized Tutors

Similar to intelligent assistants, AI can be used to create personalized tutors who are customized to meet a student’s individual needs. These personalized tutors can help students to understand concepts and even how to go about writing essays. Even chatbots, such as ChatGPT, can be used to explain concepts and suggest ways to write answers.


Enabling Cheating

One of the major drawbacks of artificial intelligence in the education industry is that it can enable students to cheat. While some students will use personalized tutors, chatbots, and assistants for guidance, others will use them to write entire essays for them, or students will just look up answers with AI without learning anything themselves. Teachers are now using tools to check student answers against chatbots and AI tools, but even these are not foolproof. Critical thinking usually requires deeper answers than a chatbot can provide, but as AI develops, it will be able to emulate critical thinking and give answers that will be acceptable to teachers. Policing this area is not going to be easy, unless teachers ask students to handwrite essays in class, while under supervision, without the usage of computers, phones, or any assistive AI devices. 

This brings us to our final point….

Ethics of Using AI in Education

The usage of artificial intelligence in the education industry brings up questions about its ethical usage. Some wonder if AI can be biased, based upon its programming by a human (who might have been biased). As many have noted, artificial intelligence is only as unbiased as the data on which it is based. AI that is based on biased data will be biased, and will treat certain groups of students unfairly. 

The question of AI replacing human teachers altogether has also been raised. AI currently is a great tool to assist teachers, but it is hard to imaging AI replacing them altogether. AI should be used as a tool to augment teachers’ abilities, especially in areas in which they are weak or need help, but not as a replacement. 


The field of education is currently upon the threshold of a significant transformation that will be driven by artificial intelligence. As changes occur within the tech community, educators will be influenced by these changes, and then students, parents, and families around the world will be impacted by the changes. 

AI is not expected to cure all the educational problems and educational challenges of the world. It can, however, enhance the existing educational system and foster greater accessibility and equity in learning. As technology progresses, AI must be used to shape a future in which education benefits everyone. Vigilance will be essential to address any drawbacks that may be associated with these technological advancements. Only then can we ensure that AI is helping to create an improved educational system.