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Is a Master’s Degree in Artificial Intelligence Worth It?

The question of whether to pursue a master’s degree in any field is one to which you should give much consideration, based upon the time you have available, the funding you have available to cover the costs, and the interest you have in the field. This is, of course, true for the field of artificial intelligence as well. How can you know that a master’s degree in artificial intelligence will really be worth it? This is a decision that is very personal and should be made after careful deliberation on points such as the ones we will discuss here.

Are You Passionate About Artificial Intelligence?

Before thinking about starting a graduate degree program in AI, you must first decide if you are truly passionate about the field. You should have a burning desire and keen interest in artificial intelligence before committing to pursuing a master’s degree in the discipline. Don’t just pursue a master’s degree in artificial intelligence because you want a high-paying job that is in demand. A master’s degree in AI program is challenging and can be difficult at times. Realizing all of this beforehand will increase the likelihood that you will complete the program, and that you will be able to use your degree in your chosen career.

Do You Have the Necessary Skills? 

The possession of technical skills is a must if you want to succeed in a master’s degree in artificial intelligence program. Most schools require that you have education in higher math, such as calculus and statistics. You should also have programming language knowledge, such as Python, Java, C++, MATLAB, and R. If you are truly interested in pursuing a master’s degree in AI but are lacking in some of these skills, you can take prerequisite coursework prior to starting a graduate degree program. Some schools offer boot camps that cover many prerequisites that applicants may be lacking.

What Will You Earn with a Master’s Degree in AI?

Examine online job postings for artificial intelligence jobs within your area and determine what the going rate is for jobs in which you are interested. In which industries (link to page) are you willing to work? Will a master’s degree in AI help you to land jobs such as these? Will the eventual salary justify the expense of graduate school? Should you potentially relocate to another area of the country in order to earn more in an artificial intelligence job? List some job titles in which you are interested, and focus on these when doing your research. 

What Schools Are You Interested in and Do They Have AI Programs?

When you are researching schools to potentially pursue a master’s degree in artificial intelligence, you should look for degree titles and concentrations in addition to AI. These include, but are not limited to, machine learning, natural language processing, robotics, and computational linguistics. Also, think about whether you’d prefer studying online, in-person, or in a hybrid (mixture of both) format. Our ranking pages can help you to make choices from lists of master’s degree in AI programs that are affordable, online, and on-campus (links to pages). Make sure that the school you choose is regionally accredited by an accreditation agency that is recognized by the U.S. Department of Education. 

Can You Pay for a Master’s Degree in AI?

After you have narrowed down your choices of schools for a master’s degree in artificial intelligence, you must ensure that you will be able to fund your education. Check our list of affordable AI degree programs as a start (link to page). Just because a program costs more does not necessarily mean that it provides you with a better AI education. Examine student outcome data from each school, to determine what percentage of students who start the program graduate, and the typical salary that new graduates make. Decide if you need student loans to fund your education, and how long it will take you to pay them off, versus your expected salary after graduation. 

Do Your Own Research

You may use our pages as a starting point (link) but should ultimately do your own research. Contact schools in which you are interested in studying for a master’s degree in artificial intelligence. Ask them if they prepare students for the job titles in which you are interested. Request concrete data on where students from their master’s in AI programs are working after graduation, and their average starting salaries. You might even ask to be put in touch with graduates of programs in which you are interested and speak with them directly about their thoughts on whether the degree was worth it. Can they pay their bills, including student loans, each month with the salary they are earning? Have they seen room for advancement in their field after getting a master’s degree?

Only you can answer the question of whether or not a master’s degree in artificial intelligence is worth it, for you.