Student choosing between Artificial Intelligence icon degrees

Which Degree is Best for Learning Artificial Intelligence?

If you have been examining graduate degree programs in artificial intelligence, you have, no doubt, already realized that there are numerous titles to such programs. There are also different levels of degrees in artificial intelligence – undergraduate, graduate, and certificate (which can be undergraduate or graduate). It can be confusing trying to decide which degree is right for you. 

Should I Pursue an Undergraduate or Graduate Degree in Artificial Intelligence?

An interest in artificial intelligence as a career option spawns many questions. One of them is, should I pursue an undergraduate or graduate degree in AI? This largely depends on the jobs and industries you are considering. Many employers will accept candidates with undergraduate AI degrees for entry-level positions, especially for areas in which the demand is high. Other employers, however, are looking for candidates with advanced knowledge in artificial intelligence, and those who will not need much, if any, training on the job. For these positions, a graduate degree is recommended. Positions in research, project management, and AI architecture also typically require a graduate degree.  

Certificates may also be valuable, but usually in addition to a degree. A certificate in machine learning or robotics, for example, can boost your marketability on top of a degree in computer science or a related area, and can often be a good way to get your foot in the door with regards to AI jobs. 

In What Major or Area of Concentration Should My Degree Be In to work in AI?

Only in recent years have degrees majoring in artificial intelligence become popular. Before that, most degrees were in computer science. Here, we will look at the options to consider when pondering starting an AI-related degree program.

Computer Science

As mentioned above, traditionally, computer science has been the major most desired for those who wish to work in artificial intelligence. Even today, computer science degrees can be helpful. However, it is best to look for computer science programs with concentrations or specializations in artificial intelligence, machine learning, robotics, or computational linguistics if you are serious about working in the AI field. 

Those who major in computer science, at either the graduate or undergraduate level, will learn fundamentals such as software development and design as well as analysis. Coding and algorithms are also included in the curricula of computer science programs, which are both necessary skills in artificial intelligence. 

Artificial Intelligence

Artificial intelligence is the optimal major field of study for those wishing to work in AI. Not all schools offer majors in artificial intelligence at the undergraduate or graduate levels, however. Those that do often combine classes in AI with coursework in computer science, engineering, and science. Programs in artificial intelligence may also offer students more opportunities for AI internships and networking in the field, which can be valuable after graduation. 

Machine Learning

One specialization within the field of artificial intelligence is machine learning. While it is not always possible to find a degree with a major in machine learning, many programs will offer specializations or concentrations in ML. Machine learning involves working on the software that powers machines, and programs in ML reflect this in their coursework. Foundational AI courses as well as machine learning automation, predictive analysis, and data mining coursework are typically included within the curriculum of a machine learning degree program. 

Engineering, Robotics, and/or Autonomous Systems

Another concentration or specialization within artificial intelligence that may be offered as a major in a degree program is engineering, robotics, and/or autonomous systems. Today, this is a hot area in which to study as more autonomous systems (such as self-driving vehicles) are becoming popular and the demand for those skilled in these systems is great. Some programs focus on designing and using artificial intelligence to drive autonomous systems, while others concentrate on the design of the physical systems themselves. Coursework will involve the design of autonomous systems, at the software, electronic, and mechanical levels.

Data Science and Analysis

Data science and analysis is another in-demand subfield within artificial intelligence, and one in which many degrees specialize. As data gets bigger and bigger, trained, qualified professionals are needed to make sense of it. Business, finance, and marketing is one industry in which data science and analysis in AI is highly valued. A degree in data science and analysis will teach you how to use large amounts of data to make predictions that drive decisions that make money for companies and individuals.

Computational Linguistics/Natural Language Processing

A subfield of AI that is also trending now is computational linguistics and/or natural language processing (NLP). As AI is learning to analyze human language in the written and spoken form, trained professionals in computational linguistics and NLP are required to teach AI systems to do this better. This field is especially valuable to the industries of education, retail, and manufacturing of voice-controlled systems. 


The type of degree and major or specialization you choose will be based upon your own interests, career goals, and the needs of the industry(ies) in which you hope to work. If you are interested in algorithms, for example, you might want to pursue a degree in machine learning. If you are interested in the design of autonomous systems, look at robotics and engineering programs. 

Pinpointing the industries and job titles that capture your interest the most is the first step towards choosing your AI degree. Search for job postings for the jobs in which you are interested and see what the requirements are. Use this information to further hone your choices of degree programs in AI. 

You should also talk to those working in the AI field or industry in which you wish to work, if at all possible. Make sure that any degree program you are considering will be of value to you after graduation. Talking to professionals at schools that offer these programs, such as career advisors and professors, can help you to make an informed decision on what type of AI degree will be best for you to pursue.