What are the main Artificial Intelligence Careers in All Major Industries

Artificial intelligence careers can be found across many industries, some of which you might not expect. According to Grand View Research, as of 2022 the worldwide artificial intelligence market size is valued at $136.55 billion. It is forecast to grow at a compound annual growth rate of 37.3 percent through 2030. Clearly, artificial intelligence is a valuable skill for careers within a variety of industries. We will discuss a few of them in an overview here, and dive into more detail on some of these industries within the next pages.  

Female with a Careers in all of the Artificial Intelligence Industries

Artificial Intelligence Careers in Manufacturing

One of the main industries in which artificial intelligence is becoming a major player is manufacturing. AI can enhance efficiency in manufacturing processes, helping to reduce costs and make the work environment safer. In every facet from planning the workforce to designing products, AI is useful. Examples of AI-related career titles in manufacturing include machine learning engineer, production engineer, and project manager.

Learn more about AI careers in Manufacturing

Artificial Intelligence Careers in Travel

The travel industry was one of the first to adopt AI chatbots as a way to improve customer service and customer engagement. The fact that AI chatbots can instantly resolve a customer’s problems and are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week make them quite valuable to the travel industry. As algorithms become more advanced, chatbots are learning to provide even more accurate responses to customer inquiries. Travel companies also use predictive analytics and machine learning to identify the purchasing patterns and behaviors of their customers. Examples of AI-related career titles in the travel industry are chief technology officer, machine learning specialist, and director of marketing.

Artificial Intelligence Careers in Criminal Justice

Another industry that has employed the usage of AI chatbots is the criminal justice industry. AI has helped to automate decision-making systems and improved access and equity within the criminal justice system. Chatbots can respond instantly to customer legal queries, assist paralegals and lawyers with legal procedures, and improve engagement and communication with clients. Examples of AI-related career titles in the criminal justice industry include signals analyst, target systems analyst, and behavioral profiler.

Learn more about AI careers in Criminal Justice

Artificial Intelligence Careers in Real Estate

AI’s applications within the real estate industry have allowed realtors to analyze market conditions, property prices and other factors in determining investment opportunities. Real estate documents can be processed automatically using AI. Additionally, AI’s predictive analytics can be used to predict property prices, rental income, and other factors related to the real estate market. AI chatbots can respond to customer inquiries, saving realtors, brokers and agents valuable time. Examples of AI-related career titles in the real estate industry are AI expert for real estate and artificial intelligence developer.

Artificial Intelligence Careers in Finance

The usage of AI in finance is growing, as AI applications are transforming the banking and financial services industry. AI robots are used to process loan applications, analyze data and make recommendations for investment decisions to customers. AI can also be used in the financial sector to detect fraudulent transactions by analyzing data. Finance is another industry in which AI chatbots are helpful in improving the experience of customers. Examples of AI-related career titles in the financial industry include intelligence analytics team lead, applied artificial intelligence engineer, and AI/ML risk management associate.

Learn more about AI careers in Finance

Artificial Intelligence Careers in Entertainment 

AI has recently been in the news with regards to the actors’ and writers’ strikes in the entertainment industry, as they protest the usage of AI for many things from creating likenesses of actors to creating scripts through natural language processing. There are other, more positive uses of AI in the entertainment industry, however. AI is used to enhance digital effects in films. Music companies use AI to understand customer engagement patterns and recommend music to them. AI can also be used by musicians as a tool in composing music. Examples of AI-related career titles in the entertainment industry are AI-based QA automation researcher, artificial intelligence engineer, and unity developer of AI generative entertainment.

Artificial Intelligence Careers in Education

The education industry uses AI to assess student skill levels and adjust learning strategies to their needs. This can help to develop more personalized learning systems. AI has also been used in tutoring, providing instruction to students without the need for a teacher being present. Teachers can use AI to help them prepare lesson plans in far less time than was possible without AI. Examples of AI-related career titles in the education industry include machine learning engineer, machine learning analyst and AI consultant for transformative solutions in higher education.

Learn more about AI careers in Education

Artificial Intelligence Careers in Healthcare

AI is being used to perform various tasks in the healthcare industry. Medical chatbots assist patients in finding the best care. Virtual nursing assistants save human manpower and costs to the healthcare industry. AI is used in performing microsurgeries, assisting surgeons with robot hands. Patient outcomes have been vastly improved using AI. By 2025, it is projected that the money spent on AI in the healthcare industry will increase by $1.5 billion, per ABI research. Examples of AI-related career titles in the healthcare industry are AI manager of healthcare solutions, AI and human health research data engineer, and medical director of machine learning.

Learn more about AI careers in Healthcare