Artificial Intelligence Careers in Education

Artificial intelligence is transforming the education industry. According to a report by Global Market Insights, the usage of AI in the education market is expected to surpass $30 billion by 2032. Globally, according to a report by Markets and Markets, the value of AI in the education industry could reach $3,683.5 million by the end of 2023. Artificial intelligence is adding new techniques and educational tools to the industry, fostering positive changes for students, teachers, and institutions.

Education Industry using Ai for teaching careers

How Artificial Intelligence Has Impacted the Education Industry

The usage of AI in the classroom is gaining ground and is only expected to increase in the coming years, as the figures above suggest. Here are just a few ways that artificial intelligence is already creating changes in the educational landscape.

AI is Enhancing Teaching and Learning 

Through using artificial intelligence technologies, teachers are better able to help students comprehend subjects. Using information visualization, real-life examples can be used and demonstrated to the students. This can be done through 2D and 3D visualization, allowing students to perceive information in a different way.

AI Allows Greater Engagement for Students

If students are having trouble understanding particular topics or subjects, they can discuss their concerns on AI-powered platforms. The platforms allow students to engage and interact with each other, creating greater involvement for students in the learning process.

AI Powers Tutors 

Conversational AI is being used in education, through virtual tutors and chatbots. Through the usage of machine learning and natural language processing, these tutors can promote independent learning by providing students with quick assistance. 

AI is Helping to Create Courses

eLearning software solutions are being used to help teachers bridge gaps in knowledge between lectures and study materials. This software, powered by AI, can help teachers to create more personalized courses and can provide feedback to teachers on how to improve the courses and facilitate learning more effectively. An example is Coursera, an online course provider, that notifies teachers when students give wrong answers to questions.

AI Helps Teachers to Keep Track of Student Performance and Allows for Constructive Feedback

Using teaching tools based on artificial intelligence, teachers can now monitor student performance in real-time. Then they can determine if the student needs more help and in which areas they need to improve, much faster than they could have done before AI’s help. Customized feedback based on data helps with student satisfaction, removes any bias from the learning process, and helps teachers to understand where students are lacking in skills.

AI Assists in Providing Personalized Education

Teachers receive help from artificial intelligence in providing students with personalized learning experiences, allowing students to learn at their own pace. Machine learning and natural language processing contribute greatly to helping chatbots provide personalized and instant support to students. Lessons can be generated digitally, allowing students to access all study material quickly and at their own pace. Examples are educational platforms like Carnegie Learning, in which students take customized courses that are powered by AI. Personalized instructions can also be given through the usage of AI.

AI Helps to Provide Smart Content

Custom AI-based eLearning software can be used to gather and analyze mountains of data, such as different online learning resources, to gather informational content that is necessary for students to learn effectively. Examples of organizations utilizing this technology include Netex Learning, Byju, and Jaro Education. Special lectures, conferences, virtual training services and other educational services are provided to students through this smart content.

AI-Powered Intelligent Assistants Can Help Students

AI-powered intelligent assistants, such as Amazon Alexa and Google Assistant, can provide students with answers to educational questions without having to contact their teachers. Some institutions are using AI assistants to help students with routine school activities and responsibilities, and the assistant can respond to their inquiries and direct them to more helpful resources. 

AI Provides Teachers with Automated Assessment and Grading

Teachers can now spend more time on preparing for class and less time on grading assignments, as AI can be used for automated assessment and grading. It can be used to assess a student’s performance on exams with multiple-choice or fill in the blank answers and provide grades. This task automation can also be used to create a tailored teaching process. 

AI Can Provide Adaptable Education Solutions

AI can provide multilingual support to students, helping them to translate information into different languages, making education accessible to all no matter what the student’s native language. Visually-impaired and hearing-impaired students can also benefit from AI. One example is the Presentation Translator, which provides real-time subtitles for virtual lectures.

AI Can Help to Upskill Students

Machine learning powered software can provide opportunities for students to train and upskill, constantly improving their skills. This can also be used in business environments for training employees. Learning and development is impacted through AI, as the system analyzes how people learn and acquire new skills. AI can adapt to human ways of studying and learning, further automating the learning process.

AI Can Be Used to Detect Fraud in Examinations

Another usage of AI in the education industry is during examinations and interviews. Programs can be used to detect fraudulent and suspicious behavior, through keystroke analysis, webcams, lockdown browsers, and microphones. 

AI Jobs in the Education Industry 

Some artificial intelligence jobs in the educational industry that were posted as of October 2023 include:

  • Adjunct Professor, Robotics & Artificial Intelligence, Saint Leo University, Hampton, VA: $36,000 to $45,600 annually.
  • AI Sandbox Mentor, AI Camp, Remote: $75,000 to $95,000 annually.
  • Learning Experience Designer, New Classrooms Innovation Partners, Inc., Remote: $76,500 to $93,750 annually.
  • AI/Machine Learning Engineer Curriculum Writer/Subject Matter Expert, Chegg, Remote: $75 to $100 per hour.
  • Dreamscape Learn Curriculum Designer, Arizona State University, Scottsdale: $65,000 to $83,000 annually.
  • Learning Media Design Specialist, Chime, San Francisco, CA: $80,400 to $102,000 annually.