Master’s Degree Programs in Computational Linguistics and Natural Language Processing

Do you have an aptitude and/or interest in computer science, linguistics, or both? Are you fascinated by how computers learn the rules of linguistics that translate to real-world speech and text? If so, consider pursuing a Master’s Degree in Computational Linguistics and Natural Language Processing (NLP), just one of the many master’s degrees available in the artificial intelligence realm. While the title might seem a bit long, it is justified as the degree encompasses many areas in linguistics, computers, mathematics and more. 

Graphical image depicting computational linguistics

Helpful Definitions

Before we get started, let’s break down that long title a bit into more easily understandable words.

Computational Linguistics

According to the Association for Computational Linguistics (ACL), the field of computational linguistics studies language scientifically, from a computational (computer’s) perspective. A computational linguist can provide computational models (which may be knowledge-based or data driven) of different kinds of linguistic phenomena. Computational linguistics may be studied for various reasons, including to provide a computational explanation for linguistic phenomena, or to provide a working component of a natural language or speech system. Computational linguistics is utilized in text-to-speech synthesizers, speech recognition systems, web search engines, automated voice response systems, and language instruction materials, among other areas. Computational linguistics is also integrated into modern virtual assistants such as Siri, Google Assistant and Alexa. 

Natural Language Processing

Per IBM, natural language processing (NLP) refers to a branch of computer science and artificial intelligence that works with giving computers the ability to understand spoken words and text as humans do. It combines computational linguistics with deep learning, statistical and machine learning models, helping computers to process human language in voice data or text format and to understand the full meaning of each, including the writer’s or speaker’s sentiment and intent. NLP can be seen in the everyday world of chatbots, speech-to-text dictation software, voice-operated GPS systems, and other conveniences that we now take for granted. 

Machine Learning

Machine learning was defined in the 1950s by a pioneer in artificial intelligence, Arthur Samuel, as “the field of study that gives computers the ability to learn without explicitly being programmed.” Traditional programming involves creating detailed instructions that a computer must follow. Machine learning, on the other hand, lets computers learn to program themselves through experience. 

What is a Master’s Degree in Computational Linguistics and NLP?

Students studying for a master’s degree in computational linguistics and natural language processing will examine how human language and computers intersect. Many master’s degree programs emphasize only computational linguistics, but a select few combine the study of linguistics with NLP. These master’s degree programs require knowledge of advanced mathematics, linguistics, and computer science, using mathematical analysis, theories of language, and machine learning to help computers process speech and text. 

What Admissions Requirements Must be Met for a Master’s Degree Program in Computational Linguistics and NLP?

There are many skills that you must already possess before you can gain admission into a master’s degree program in computational linguistics and natural language processing. Depending upon the school you choose, a bachelor’s degree in computer science or linguistics may be necessary, while other schools may accept students with a bachelor’s degree in any major. What is most important is that you have completed prerequisite coursework in computer science, math, and linguistics. Some schools will allow you to take any courses you may be lacking at the start of a master’s degree program. Others will incorporate these subjects into the degree program’s foundational coursework.

In addition to a bachelor’s degree, you should have at least a 3.0 GPA in order to be admitted to a master’s program. Some schools require the Graduate Record Examination (GRE) for admission, while others do not. You must also provide letters of recommendation and, usually, an essay stating your interest in the field. 

How Long Does it Take to Get a Master’s Degree in Computational Linguistics and NLP?

A master’s degree program in computational linguistics and natural language processing usually consists of 30 to 36 credits of coursework and takes about two years to complete with full-time study. There are also programs that provide students with a combined bachelor’s and master’s degree in computational linguistics and NLP in five years. Coursework is mainly in the field, and electives must be chosen from specific disciplines related to the field. 

What Skills Are Taught in a Master’s in Computational Linguistics and NLP Program?

The primary focus in master’s degree programs in computational linguistics and natural language processing is teaching automated analysis of text and speech. Skills that are involved in this include:

  • Computer programming, typically Python, Java, and other newer languages
  • Statistical analysis
  • Language syntax and semantics
  • Creation of bots for automated analysis of speech and text

What Courses Make Up a Master’s in Computational Linguistics and NLP Program? 

Courses found in most master’s degree programs in computational linguistics and natural language processing include courses in computer science and linguistics, such as:

  • Semantics
  • Syntax
  • Phonetics
  • Phonology
  • Machine learning
  • Computational linguistics
  • Information retrieval
  • Sociolinguistics
  • Language acquisition

Additionally, most degree programs will require students to complete a supervised field experience/internship in the field, since the field is very skills-based. This will give students the opportunity to put into practice what they have learned in the classroom and online. 

Where Can I Work with a Master’s Degree in Computational Linguistics and NLP?

Those who hold a master’s degree in computational linguistics and NLP should find many opportunities available to them upon graduation. Examples of jobs that these degree holders have found include, but are not limited to:

  • Natural language processing engineers
  • Computational linguist
  • College professor
  • Research scientist
  • Software engineer
  • Educational technology development (automated grading, plagiarism detection, automated test proctoring, etc.)
  • Healthcare (computer-assisted coding, clinical documentation, researching and diagnosing diseases, medical technology)
  • Targeted advertising (using a consumer’s data, including social media, search histories and more, to target advertisements to them) 

Examples of Schools with Master’s Programs in Computational Linguistics and NLP

Here are a few of the master’s degree programs in the field that are offered as of 2023 (certificate and doctoral degree programs will be explored elsewhere within this site):


  • University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ  
    • Master of Science in Human Language Technology 
    • Offered on campus and online
    • Accelerated master’s program available



District of Columbia


  • Indiana University-Bloomington, Bloomington, IN 
    • Master of Arts in Linguistics with a concentration in Computational Linguistics
    • Master of Science in Computational Linguistics
    • Accelerated Bachelor of Science to Master of Science in Computational Linguistics



  • Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD
    • Master of Science in Computer Science with concentration in Human Language Technology 


  • Brandeis University, Boston, MA 
    • Master of Science in Computational Linguistics 
    • Accelerated Bachelor of Science to Master of Science in Computational Linguistics 
  • Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA
    • Master of Science in Linguistics: Computational Linguistics 

New Jersey

New York


  • Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA
    • Master of Language Technologies
    • Master of Science in Intelligent Information Systems
    • Master of Computational Data Science




  • University of WisconsinMilwaukee, Milwaukee, WI
    • Master of Science in Computer Science (Professional Track)– Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning and Natural Language Processing
    • On campus, online and hybrid formats available